HTB Burner Range

High Temperature Burners or HTB burners are high capacity, high temperature burners employing HiTAC combustion principle to meet rigorous emission limits, improve product quality, furnace temperature distribution and refractory durability, and provide an easy upgrade over conventional combustion systems. HTB burners have been developed with HiTAC combustion technology licensed by Nippon Furnace Kogyo (now Nippon Furnace Ltd) or NFK in short. HTB burners were created to deliver excellent low NOx combustion process to widest possible range of applications. High Temperature Burners are what can be described as a derivative of HRS burners. Sharing common design philosophy in terms of HiTAC technology utilization and general mechanical concept these differ in not incorporating regenerative technology, thus not possessing the reduced fuel demand advantage but retaining almost all of other HRS features.


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