
Participation of ICS in V Conference Market of Heat System organized in Lublin by Izba Gospodarcza Ciepłownictwo Polskie

Between days 17th and 18th of February 2016 during V Conference Market of Heat System held in Mercure hotel Lublin, ICS shown presentation entitled „Instalacja odazotowania spalin Ecotube w MEGATEM EC Lublin, jako przykład nowoczesnego i efektywnego ograniczenia emisji oraz optymalizacji procesu spalania w kotłach rusztowych”. During conference participants had also opportunity Visit Megatem Power plant and look at Ecotube System DeNOX installation at tree steam boilers delivered by ICS Sp. z o.o.

Due to the presence of the ICS at the conference we also have the pleasure to present you the latest company brochure dedicated to the NOx and CO reduction systems and low-calorie gases combustion systems.

10th Technical Conference organized by Izba Gospodarcza Ciepłownictwo Polskie, 6th - 7th November 2014, Warszawa

From 6th to 7th November 2014 ICS participated at 10th Technical Conference organized by Izba Gospodarcza Ciepłownictwo Polskie and delivered the presentation entitled ”Technologia Ecotube – system optymalizacji procesu spalania i redukcji emisji związków toksycznych w układach spalania małej i średniej mocy”.

12 Międzynarodowa Konferencja Kotłowa, 21st – 24th October 2014, Gliwice

We would like to announce that on 21st – 24th October 2014 ICS has actively participated in the 12th International Conference on Boiler Technology organized by the Silesian University of Technology. ICS presented a paper entitled. „New technologies of pollutant emissions reduction from medium and large combustion plants based on primary and secondary methods complying with the new emission standards”.

5th Conference „Inwestycje w Energetyce i Przemyśle – Nowe Technologie dla Ochrony Środowiska”, 30th September – 1st October 2014, Opole

On 30th September – 1st October 2014 ICS participated in the 5th Conference „Inwestycje w Energetyce i Przemyśle – Nowe Technologie dla Ochrony Środowiska”, where new technology offered by ICS entitled „Technologia Ecotube – nowoczesne i sprawdzone rozwiązanie dla optymalizacji procesu spalania i redukcji emisji w kotłach małej i średniej mocy” was presented.

18th Forum of Polish Heating Engineers

From 14th to 16th September 2014 in Międzyzdroje ICS actively participated in 18th Forum of Polish Heating Engineers and presented a paper entitled. „System Ecotube – nowoczesna i tania w eksploatacji technologia optymalizacji procesu spalania i redukcji emisji dla kotłów małej i średniej mocy poniżej poziomów opisanych w dyrektywie IED”.

I Krajowe Seminarium Inżynierii Cieplnej i Wodnej (Water & Heat 2012)
June 5-6, 2012, Cracow, Poland

We would like to announce that ICS has actively participated in I Krajowym Seminarium Inżynierii Cieplnej i Wodnej (Water & Heat 2012) that has taken part in Cracow on 5-6th of June 2012. The event was organized by the Easy Fairs Poland and Axis Media which is the publisher of the Piece Przemysłowe i Kotły magazine

The subject of the seminar was “Innovations for industry based on thermal processes and water cycle”. ICS delivered a speech about the “Advantages of HiTAC volumetric combustion technology in low calorific gases utilization systems” (please check the presentation here - polish version). The seminar was an opportunity to spread information about ICS field of activity especially in the area of the waste gases utilizations. Moreover, it was also a great opportunity to maintain a good relationships with our current and future Partners.

8 HiTACG Symposium 2010 - July 5-7, 2010, Poznan, Poland

We are very pleased to inform about successfully taken place the 8th HiTACG conference hosted by and at Poznań University of Technology, PUT in 5th - 7th of July 2010 in which ICS company participated.

Tematem konferencji była technologia spalania HiTAC, która jest wykorzystywana w systemach spalania ICS, opierających się na licencji firmy The subject of the conference was High Temperature Air Combustion (HiTAC) technology which is utilized in ICS combustion solutions based on license from NFK Nippon Furnace Kyogo. Also a big part of the conference was linked with High Temperature Air Gasification (HiTAG). For the conference ICS prepared four papers and three posters (please check the papers here) concerning the latest ICS HiTAC combustion installations and ICS contribution in development of the HiTAC technology. For ICS it was also a great opportunity to maintain a good relationships with our current and future Partners and to get in touch with the new Ones.

Here we would like to thank all conference Participants for their participation and express our special acknowledgements to co-authors of ICS conference papers for their deep involvement in their preparation. Below please find some photos from the conference.


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